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Tarot Cards
Buddhist Singing Bowl

在 SoHealers,我们致力于提供全面的身心灵服务,帮助客户实现个人成长,以发挥他们的最大潜力。 本公司为客户提供灵气、水晶、声音疗法和塔罗牌占卜服务。

(Tarot Reading)

塔罗牌是上面有着不同符号,图像系统的一副牌。最初用于玩游戏,现在更多地用于占卜和作为精神工具。有许多不同的方法可以使用塔罗牌, 根据占卜师的喜好。塔罗牌通常被认为对应于许多不同的深奥系统,包括占星术、命理学、卡巴拉和易经,因此塔罗牌可以与不同的实践一起使用。

一副典型的塔罗牌有七十八张牌,分为两组。第一种是众所周知的大阿卡纳牌,由 22 张没有花色的牌组成。下一组牌被称为小阿卡纳,它由分为四套的五十六张牌组成。在某些套牌中,这些牌可能会略有不同,并且顺序可能会改变。每张卡片都有一套基本的含义和关联,但解释时会涉及不同的因素。

阅读塔罗牌有很多目的,主要是为了让任何感到困惑和需要指导的人获得洞察力和清晰度。在 SoHealers,我们使用塔罗牌来引导我们的客户了解他们面临的问题并探索可能的解决方案。这将是迎合您和您情况的独特体验。 








(Reiki For Pets)











帮助解决行为或情绪问题 为怀孕动物、残疾动物或患有绝症的老年动物提供支持


临终关怀 的


在宠物灵气课程中可以期待什么: 宠物通常不会跳上按摩床仰卧一个小时。 的 从业者会和您的宠物一起坐在地板上,如果他们接近我们并且看起来对我们的触摸没有问题,我们会将我们的手放在一系列让他们感到舒适的位置。有些宠物可能更喜欢从远处接收灵气,而不是让从业者触摸它们。



(Crystal Energy Healing)


早在公元前 5000 年,早期的苏美尔人就用黑曜石和红玉髓制作珠子。他们将水晶雕刻成护身符挂在脖子上,相信水晶可以驱邪保佑。










(Sound Therapy)


使用来自不同频率的声音振动,我们能够清除能量阻塞并使我们的身体恢复到自然频率。声音疗法非常有效,因为声音在水中传播速度快 4 倍,而我们的身体由 70% 是水组成,它能够穿透身体并帮助我们的身体恢复到自然频率状态。



  • 促进能量平衡

  • 减少压力和紧张

  • 增强创造力和想象力

  • 释放情绪,提升能量水平

  • 和谐和平衡我们的身体、思想和精神

  • 促进积极的自我形象和赋权


  • 起搏器的人

  • 体内有金属的人

  • 6个月内有做过手术的人

  • 患有有癫痫的人

Angel Healing

Angels are pure spiritual beings who come from the heart of God (Divine) and are manifestations of unconditional love. Our Angel Healing service connects you with the divine energy of the angels to bring balance and harmony to your mind, body, and spirit. Our experienced healers will guide you through the process, helping you to release negative energy and receive the healing energy of the angels. Whether you are seeking physical, emotional, or spiritual healing, our Angel Healing service is perfect for you.

Angels are spiritual beings who are non-denominational and help people of all religions and spiritual lineages. You do not have to be religious to connect to Angels or to receive healings from them.

Book your session now and feel the transformative power of the angels.

Spirit Rescue & Entity Removal 

The removal of spirit and entity attachments is a safe practice aimed at releasing earthbound spirits or entities from the aura and physical body of the affected individual. At SoHealers, our approach to dealing with spirits involves transcending them with compassion, love, and empathy. Often, these spirits are not intentionally trapped in our earthly realm by their own volition. Through a blend of communication, negotiation, and spirit releasement techniques, we create a pathway of light, enabling them to depart from the earthly realm and find rebirth or reunion in higher planes.

Many individuals describe their encounters with spirits as sensations such as tingling hair, goosebumps, an unsettling eerie feeling, a chill in the air, or glimpses of a blurry "human" figure. However, it's important to note that most spirits around us are benign and can be left undisturbed.

The potential effects of Negative Spirit Impact encompass:

  • Intentionally causing disruptive noises to disturb you

  • Unexplained movement of objects

  • Persistent feelings of low energy and constant tiredness

  • A sense of aimless wandering or drifting of the mind

  • Disturbances affecting children or babies

  • Recurring nightmares involving the same figure

  • Discord or disharmony within the home environment

  • Visualizing images wandering within your residence

  • Instances of spiritual sexual harassment

  • Consistent feelings of low energy and perpetual tiredness

  • Frequent sightings of shadows or dark figures around you

Within our Spirit Rescue and Entity Removal Services, we offer:

  1. Assisting trapped spirits resulting from deliberate suicides.

  2. Aiding trapped spirits due to unforeseen deaths and accidents.

  3. Transcending child spirits affected by abortions and stillbirths.

  4. Liberating child spirits confined within dolls, statues, and similar objects.

  5. Removal of Spirits and Entities on individuals.

  6. Clearing Spirits and Entities from various spaces like homes, offices, schools, and properties.

  7. Removing attachments and implants of multi-dimensional beings from individuals.

Space Cleansing 

In today's fast-paced world, we often overlook the profound impact our surroundings have on our well-being. Our homes and workplaces absorb energy, both positive and negative, which can significantly affect our physical, mental, and emotional states. Persistent or dense energies have the potential to leave you and those residing in a space feeling fatigued, depleted, anxious, and can gradually have lasting psychological effects. As spiritual energy beings inhabiting physical bodies, we are susceptible to absorbing these energies over time. Just as we clean our spaces physically, it's equally important to cleanse them energetically. That's where the transformative practice of space cleansing comes in.

Through the fusion of Spiritual Healing and Spirit Releasement techniques, our Home Cleansing services offer a comprehensive solution to purify your properties. We specialize in cleansing spaces, including but not limited to businesses, homes, schools, warehouses, and more, ridding them of negative energies, dense residual energy clusters, energy imprints, and spirit entities.

Signs indicating the presence of heavy or dense energy clusters or imprints in your home or workplace include:

  1. Sensing a thick cloud of heavy energy pervading a room.

  2. Experiencing the sensation of walking through dense energy.

  3. Feeling drained or fatigued while being in your home.

  4. Detecting negative emotions such as fear, anger, anxiety, or despair in specific areas.

  5. Sensing a history of negativity associated with the building or land.

  6. Perceiving dark energy or shadows within your space.

Many older properties in Singapore carry significant historical baggage, potentially harboring substantial residual energies. For those buying or renting such properties, energy clearing is highly recommended. You may never anticipate the energies you're stepping into. Energy clearing procedures can restore the space to its original state, ensuring your safety and comfort.

Here are compelling reasons why you should consider space cleansing:

1. Clear Negative Energy
Over time, spaces accumulate negative energy due to stress, arguments, or simply everyday tensions. This negative energy can linger and impact your mood, productivity, and overall sense of well-being. Space cleansing techniques, effectively clear out these stagnant energies, restoring harmony and balance.


2. Enhance Positive Energy
Just as negative energy can accumulate, positive energy can also be cultivated. Space cleansing rituals can amplify the positive energy in your environment, promoting a sense of calmness, clarity, and positivity. This can foster a more conducive atmosphere for creativity, relaxation, and overall happiness.


3. Improve Health
Energetically unclean spaces might contribute to feelings of fatigue, stress, and even physical discomfort. By purifying your space, you create an environment that supports your well-being, potentially reducing stress levels and improving sleep quality, leading to a healthier and more rejuvenated you.


4. Create Sacred Spaces
Whether it's your home, office, or any other space, cleansing rituals can transform it into a sacred and tranquil haven. A clean, energetically balanced environment supports meditation, mindfulness, and personal growth, enabling you to connect more deeply with yourself and your surroundings.


5. Invite Prosperity and Abundance
When negative energy is cleared, it makes way for positive opportunities and abundance. A cleansed space can attract prosperity, abundance, and success into your life, allowing you to manifest your goals and aspirations more effectively.


6. Renewed Sense of Purpose
Space cleansing isn't just about clearing energies; it's about setting intentions and creating a renewed sense of purpose. By participating in the cleansing process, you actively engage in the transformation of your space, fostering a stronger connection and a sense of ownership.


7. Holistic Approach to Well-being
Space cleansing complements other self-care practices, contributing to a holistic approach to well-being. Just as we nourish our bodies and minds, nurturing our environments through cleansing rituals is an essential part of a balanced lifestyle.

Invest in the health and vitality of your surroundings. Let space cleansing be the catalyst for positive change in your life.

Our dedicated team specializes in space cleansing rituals tailored to your needs. Contact us today to transform your space and elevate your life!

Spirit Removal

Spiritual entities present on your property can disrupt harmony within your family and work environment. Unexplained conflicts, heightened emotions, or altered behaviors among family members may manifest. Additionally, exposure to negative energies in the house might lead to household members falling ill. It's important to note that most hauntings are not necessarily negative; often, spirits are passing through or awaiting resolution.

As a trained Spirit Rescue Specialists, we facilitate these spirits in finding resolution and transitioning to the light. While most spirits are willing to move on, there might be rare instances where they resist. In such cases, we collaborate with property owners to find an amicable solution or, if necessary, remove these spirits forcefully from your property.

Considering that your home is likely your most valuable asset and a space where your family spends a significant portion of their time, residing in an environment with positive, clean, and energized energy is crucial.

Our services cater to various settings, including new properties, used properties, offices, and shops. Home clearing is a highly specialized skill requiring expertise from trained psychic professionals. It differs significantly from traditional Feng Shui services offered by Feng Shui masters.

We invite you to contact us for a consultation on this comprehensive service to transform and harmonize your living or work space.

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