Our Services

At SoHealers we are dedicated to providing holistic services in wellness to empower clients in their personal growth to achieve their fullest potential. The company provide clients with reiki, crystals, sound therapy and tarot reading services.
Tarot Reading
Tarot is a system of symbolic images on a deck of cards. Originally used for playing card games, they are now more often used for divination and as spiritual tools. There are many different ways to use a tarot deck, depending on the practitioner practices. Tarot is often considered to correspond to many various esoteric system including astrology, numerology, Kabbalah, and I-Ching, hence tarot can be used together with different practices.
A typical tarot deck has seventy-eight card and is divided into two sets. The first is know as the Major Arcana consist of twenty-two cards without suits. The next set of cards are known as the Minor Arcana which comprises of fifty-six cards divided into four suits. In some decks these cards may vary slightly and the order might change. Each card has a basic set of meanings and associations attached to it, but different factors will be involved in the interpretation.
There are many purposes for getting a tarot reading, mostly to gain insight and clarity for anyone who feels stuck and in need of guidance. At SoHealers we use tarot cards to guide our clients to understand the issues that they are facing and to explore possible solutions to their issues. It will be a unique experience catered to you and you situation.
Reiki Healing is a form of energy healing, a type of alternative medicine. It is a form of Biofield therapy which are noninvasive therapies, in which practitioner works with a client's biofield (subtle energies bodies) to stimulate healing responses in clients.
Reiki practitioners use a technique called palm healing or hands-on healing through which a "universal energy" is transferred through the palms of the practitioner to the client in order to encourage emotional or physical healing.
Reiki treats the underlying cause, the results will depend on what the client need and what they are ready to let go of.
Reiki is energy is osmotic, it flows to where it is most required after it enters the body.
Reiki energy is all-encompassing, it works on all levels: physical, mental and emotional. Reiki works on everybody due to the neutral or inert state of the energy as it enters the body. Reiki sees the body, mind, spirit as intricately linked and could heal all levels if it is needed.
Reiki energy is complementary with any other form of healing or medication. There are no known contra-indications.
Benefits of Reiki includes, but not limited to:
Boost energy levels
Reduce pain and stress
Feeling more open and loving
Better sleep
Promote the body's natural ability to heal
Improve emotional state
Enhance personal awareness
Increase creativity
Helps to relax and feel confident
Reiki For Pets
Pets are our best friends and we want the best for them. If your pet is suffering from anxiety, pain or even cancer, Reiki Therapy may be able to help them. Reiki is gaining popularity in the animal world as a safe and gentle, complementary health therapy.
Reiki is a therapy that is done by channeling "universal life force energy" to heal the physical, mental and emotional ailments.
The major benefits of Reiki for pets is that it is non-invasive and complementary to any other health treatment that your pet is undergoing. The process does not involve drugs or needles, and the animal will feel no pain during the treatment.
Promotes deep relaxation
Reduces stress and anxiety
Boost their immune system
Coping with illness and surgery recovery (helps to accelerate healing)
Helps with behavioral or emotional problems
Provide support for pregnant animals, animals with disabilities or older animals with terminal conditions
Able to naturally enhance wellbeing and help to maintain health
End of life care
What to expect in a Reiki session for Pets:
Pets usually will not apt to hop on a massage table and lie on their backs for an hour.
Practitioner will sit on the floor with your pets, if they approach us and appears okay with our touch, we will place our hands in a series of positions that are comforting to them. Some pets might prefer to receive Reiki from a distance, rather than having the practitioner touch them.
They will get up and leave once they have taken in the amount of energy that they need and it might be lesser than the appointment duration.
Crystal Energy Healing
Crystals have been used for their powerful properties for thousands of years and have been revered and admired in all civilizations.
The early Sumerians made beads of obsidian and carnelian as far back as 5000 BC. They wore crystals carved into amulets around their necks in belief that the crystals would ward off evil spirits and give protection.
The Egyptians left records of their usage of crystals in their jewelry and headwear. Lapis lazuli was grind up to mix with wax for their distinctive eye makeup for the kings and queens of Egypt. In the magnificent death mask of Tutankhamen are carnelian, malachite, turquoise, obsidian, quartz and lapis lazuli.
The Greeks wore jewelry made of crystals like carnelian, agates and turquoise and imbued them into their cuffs, bracelets and upper armlets.
The Romans solider and gladiators used crystals carved into amulets and wore them around their necks for protection. Due to the Romans spread over the most territory in history at that time they also had access to a wider selection of crystals and colours than pervious civilizations.
The Chinese favored carved jade pieces to bring abundance, to ward off evil spirits and to protect the wearer. Till today you can see many Chinese homes, restaurants and business will have a large jade carving in a prominent place to bring prosperity to the family or business.
Native Americans used crystals as talismans and as carvings of images of their believes. You can also find crystal beads on dream catchers, which are believed to ward off nightmares. Different tribes also wore crystal beads in their hair and were believed that it could help heal the sick and protect the whole tribe.
In medieval times, alchemists discovered crystals' special properties and they started creating elixirs of crystals and other potions to drink.
In modern times, many new-age practitioners use crystal to improve their lives and it has become widely known that crystal healing can be beneficial in mental, physical, emotional and spiritual wellbeing.
Crystals are formed by natural alignments of minerals over time. They are formed in an organized fashion and are built up slowly. The formation is structured in such a way that an energy field is created both within and around the crystal, hence making it special over other stones or pebbles.
When a crystal enters your aura field, it is able to change the vibrations of your aura slightly and this adds to the healing properties of crystals. Crystals' energy do not harm the body. Crystal healer are able to bring solaces and healing properties through their intentions and affirmations placed into the crystals.
Sound Therapy
Everything has a unique vibration, including plants, crystals, and our physical bodies. When our vibrations are "out of tune" or not harmonies, it will manifest in either our physical, emotional, mental and/or physical body.
Using sound vibrations from different frequencies, we are able to clear energy blockages and reset our body back to its natural vibrations. Sound therapy is very effective as sound travels 4 times faster in water and our body is made out of 70% water, it is able to penetrate the body and help our body to reset back to our natural state of vibration.​
It is now widely accepted that most illness is stress related. Therefore treatment methodologies that promote relaxation and help reduce stress can be a very effective way to prevent and treat illness. Sound therapy is very effective at reducing stress. It also enables an individual to relax deeply, achieving an altered state of consciousness similar to deep meditation.
Benefits of sound therapy:
Promotes energy balance
Reduce of stress and tensions
Enhance creativity and imagination
Release emotions and boost energy levels
Harmonies and balance our body, mind and spirit
Promotes positive self-image and empowerment
Sound therapy is not suitable for:
People with pacemaker
People with metal in their body
People who had done surgery within 6 months
People with Epilepsy
Angel Healing
Angels are pure spiritual beings who come from the heart of God (Divine) and are manifestations of unconditional love. Our Angel Healing service connects you with the divine energy of the angels to bring balance and harmony to your mind, body, and spirit. Our experienced healers will guide you through the process, helping you to release negative energy and receive the healing energy of the angels. Whether you are seeking physical, emotional, or spiritual healing, our Angel Healing service is perfect for you.
Angels are spiritual beings who are non-denominational and help people of all religions and spiritual lineages. You do not have to be religious to connect to Angels or to receive healings from them.
Book your session now and feel the transformative power of the angels.
Spirit Rescue & Entity Removal
The removal of spirit and entity attachments is a safe practice aimed at releasing earthbound spirits or entities from the aura and physical body of the affected individual. At SoHealers, our approach to dealing with spirits involves transcending them with compassion, love, and empathy. Often, these spirits are not intentionally trapped in our earthly realm by their own volition. Through a blend of communication, negotiation, and spirit releasement techniques, we create a pathway of light, enabling them to depart from the earthly realm and find rebirth or reunion in higher planes.
Many individuals describe their encounters with spirits as sensations such as tingling hair, goosebumps, an unsettling eerie feeling, a chill in the air, or glimpses of a blurry "human" figure. However, it's important to note that most spirits around us are benign and can be left undisturbed.
The potential effects of Negative Spirit Impact encompass:
Intentionally causing disruptive noises to disturb you
Unexplained movement of objects
Persistent feelings of low energy and constant tiredness
A sense of aimless wandering or drifting of the mind
Disturbances affecting children or babies
Recurring nightmares involving the same figure
Discord or disharmony within the home environment
Visualizing images wandering within your residence
Instances of spiritual sexual harassment
Consistent feelings of low energy and perpetual tiredness
Frequent sightings of shadows or dark figures around you
Within our Spirit Rescue and Entity Removal Services, we offer:
Assisting trapped spirits resulting from deliberate suicides.
Aiding trapped spirits due to unforeseen deaths and accidents.
Transcending child spirits affected by abortions and stillbirths.
Liberating child spirits confined within dolls, statues, and similar objects.
Removal of Spirits and Entities on individuals.
Clearing Spirits and Entities from various spaces like homes, offices, schools, and properties.
Removing attachments and implants of multi-dimensional beings from individuals.
Space Cleansing
In today's fast-paced world, we often overlook the profound impact our surroundings have on our well-being. Our homes and workplaces absorb energy, both positive and negative, which can significantly affect our physical, mental, and emotional states. Persistent or dense energies have the potential to leave you and those residing in a space feeling fatigued, depleted, anxious, and can gradually have lasting psychological effects. As spiritual energy beings inhabiting physical bodies, we are susceptible to absorbing these energies over time. Just as we clean our spaces physically, it's equally important to cleanse them energetically. That's where the transformative practice of space cleansing comes in.
Through the fusion of Spiritual Healing and Spirit Releasement techniques, our Home Cleansing services offer a comprehensive solution to purify your properties. We specialize in cleansing spaces, including but not limited to businesses, homes, schools, warehouses, and more, ridding them of negative energies, dense residual energy clusters, energy imprints, and spirit entities.
Signs indicating the presence of heavy or dense energy clusters or imprints in your home or workplace include:
Sensing a thick cloud of heavy energy pervading a room.
Experiencing the sensation of walking through dense energy.
Feeling drained or fatigued while being in your home.
Detecting negative emotions such as fear, anger, anxiety, or despair in specific areas.
Sensing a history of negativity associated with the building or land.
Perceiving dark energy or shadows within your space.
Many older properties in Singapore carry significant historical baggage, potentially harboring substantial residual energies. For those buying or renting such properties, energy clearing is highly recommended. You may never anticipate the energies you're stepping into. Energy clearing procedures can restore the space to its original state, ensuring your safety and comfort.
Here are compelling reasons why you should consider space cleansing:
1. Clear Negative Energy
Over time, spaces accumulate negative energy due to stress, arguments, or simply everyday tensions. This negative energy can linger and impact your mood, productivity, and overall sense of well-being. Space cleansing techniques, effectively clear out these stagnant energies, restoring harmony and balance.
2. Enhance Positive Energy
Just as negative energy can accumulate, positive energy can also be cultivated. Space cleansing rituals can amplify the positive energy in your environment, promoting a sense of calmness, clarity, and positivity. This can foster a more conducive atmosphere for creativity, relaxation, and overall happiness.
3. Improve Health
Energetically unclean spaces might contribute to feelings of fatigue, stress, and even physical discomfort. By purifying your space, you create an environment that supports your well-being, potentially reducing stress levels and improving sleep quality, leading to a healthier and more rejuvenated you.
4. Create Sacred Spaces
Whether it's your home, office, or any other space, cleansing rituals can transform it into a sacred and tranquil haven. A clean, energetically balanced environment supports meditation, mindfulness, and personal growth, enabling you to connect more deeply with yourself and your surroundings.
5. Invite Prosperity and Abundance
When negative energy is cleared, it makes way for positive opportunities and abundance. A cleansed space can attract prosperity, abundance, and success into your life, allowing you to manifest your goals and aspirations more effectively.
6. Renewed Sense of Purpose
Space cleansing isn't just about clearing energies; it's about setting intentions and creating a renewed sense of purpose. By participating in the cleansing process, you actively engage in the transformation of your space, fostering a stronger connection and a sense of ownership.
7. Holistic Approach to Well-being
Space cleansing complements other self-care practices, contributing to a holistic approach to well-being. Just as we nourish our bodies and minds, nurturing our environments through cleansing rituals is an essential part of a balanced lifestyle.
Invest in the health and vitality of your surroundings. Let space cleansing be the catalyst for positive change in your life.
Our dedicated team specializes in space cleansing rituals tailored to your needs. Contact us today to transform your space and elevate your life!
Spirit Removal
Spiritual entities present on your property can disrupt harmony within your family and work environment. Unexplained conflicts, heightened emotions, or altered behaviors among family members may manifest. Additionally, exposure to negative energies in the house might lead to household members falling ill. It's important to note that most hauntings are not necessarily negative; often, spirits are passing through or awaiting resolution.
As a trained Spirit Rescue Specialists, we facilitate these spirits in finding resolution and transitioning to the light. While most spirits are willing to move on, there might be rare instances where they resist. In such cases, we collaborate with property owners to find an amicable solution or, if necessary, remove these spirits forcefully from your property.
Considering that your home is likely your most valuable asset and a space where your family spends a significant portion of their time, residing in an environment with positive, clean, and energized energy is crucial.
Our services cater to various settings, including new properties, used properties, offices, and shops. Home clearing is a highly specialized skill requiring expertise from trained psychic professionals. It differs significantly from traditional Feng Shui services offered by Feng Shui masters.
We invite you to contact us for a consultation on this comprehensive service to transform and harmonize your living or work space.
Past Life Regression Therapy
What is Past Life Regression?
Past-life regression therapy is a form of hypnotherapy that suggests we carry emotional, psychic, and occasionally physical evidence of our past lives into our current one. By accessing and working through these memories, past-life regression can help resolve issues in our present life.
Past life regression allows us to see beyond the confusion and illusions of this life and brings about a healing of the past life that resonates into our present life. By tapping into higher consciousness, past life regression can facilitate healing and transformation more effectively and quickly than many other modalities. It also helps connect with one's innate wisdom and true essence.
Is it Really Real?
Past life regression therapy has been used successfully for many years to help people heal emotional trauma. But are these past lives 'real'?
It is estimated that about a million people have accessed past life memories in various ways.
While past life regression therapists and traditional psychiatrists may disagree on what is being accessed during these sessions, even some of the most skeptical academics and doctors acknowledge a phenomenon that cannot be easily explained.
If you are uncertain, that’s perfectly fine. Whether the past lives are 'real' or a product of the imagination, the therapy remains an effective healing modality.
When Should One Explore Past Life Regression Therapy?​
Past life regression therapy can help release old energetic blocks, generating mental and emotional clarity, and revealing life lessons needed for happiness in this lifetime and future ones.
Some significant areas where past-life therapy is traditionally used include:
Persistent troubling behavior and attitude patterns
Relationship dynamics with intense attraction or aversion
Phobias unconnected to current life experiences
Chronic physical ailments, sensations, and pains
Dominant attitudes or emotions
Ingrained beliefs such as “Leave me alone,” “No one understands me,” or “Life isn’t fair”
What are the Benefits of Past Life Regression Therapy?
Past life regression therapy (PLRT) offers numerous transformative effects, often healing deeper and achieving results more quickly than many other therapeutic approaches. Benefits include:
Clearing emotional stress, trauma, and physical issues
Calming feelings of anxiety and depression
Healing troubled relationships
Understanding and changing behaviors, patterns, and tendencies
Uncovering and actualizing dormant past life gifts and talents
Revealing past life connections in the current life
Unifying past life experiences with your soul’s lessons
Reconnecting with your spiritual center
Receiving spiritual guidance and direction
Experiencing universal wisdom and peace
When Not to Do Past Life Regression Therapy?
Past life regression may not be appropriate for individuals with psychotic symptoms, such as hallucinations and delusions, or those addicted to drugs or alcohol. It should be used for pain control or managing diseases only after a medical evaluation. PLRT is considered a complementary therapy and does not replace conventional medicine.
What to Expect from a Past Life Regression Session?
A past life regression therapy session typically lasts 2-3 hours. Sessions generally include several elements that flow together to provide a complete regression therapy experience.
Soul Mandala Painting
What is a Soul Mandala with Light Language?
A Soul Mandala is a powerful spiritual tool that represents the essence of your soul's energy, encoded in a visual form. It is a unique geometric pattern or artwork that reflects your inner being, your journey, and the vibrational frequencies of your soul. When combined with Light Language, the mandala becomes even more profound, as Light Language is a form of energetic communication that transcends words and directly interacts with the soul.
Light Language consists of symbols, sounds, and gestures that channel divine energy and higher-dimensional wisdom. It speaks to the heart and soul rather than the mind, bypassing the conscious understanding to facilitate deep healing and activation. When Light Language is incorporated into a soul mandala, it infuses the artwork with high-frequency vibrations that can bring about transformation, healing, and alignment with your higher self.
Why Should You Get a Soul Mandala with Light Language?
Personal Healing and Transformation:
A Soul Mandala with Light Language can help you connect with your higher self and realign your energy. The specific frequencies encoded within the mandala resonate with your soul’s unique vibration, promoting deep healing on emotional, mental, and spiritual levels.
Self-Discovery and Spiritual Growth:
The mandala serves as a mirror for your soul, revealing hidden aspects of your journey, lessons, and spiritual growth. It can help you uncover past life experiences, karmic patterns, or blockages that need to be addressed for your evolution.
It’s a tool for meditation and self-reflection, guiding you to insights and greater understanding of your life’s purpose and soul mission.
Energetic Protection and Harmonization:
A Soul Mandala with Light Language can also act as an energetic shield, protecting your aura and harmonizing your surroundings. The sacred symbols and frequencies within it create a vibrational space that invites peace, balance, and spiritual support.
You can place it in your home, meditation space, or workspace to uplift the energy and promote a calm, centered environment.
Activation of Higher Consciousness:
The Light Language embedded in the mandala can activate dormant aspects of your consciousness, helping you access higher states of awareness, intuition, and spiritual wisdom. It can serve as a portal to connect with higher realms, spirit guides, or cosmic energies.
Over time, it helps you integrate higher vibrational energies into your daily life, expanding your consciousness and aligning you with your soul’s path.
How to Use a Soul Mandala with Light Language:
Meditate with your soul mandala by focusing on its patterns and symbols. Let the Light Language energies speak to your soul, allowing your mind to relax and your heart to open. This practice can bring about profound inner peace, clarity, and spiritual downloads.
Energy Healing:
Place the mandala over your body during energy healing sessions or hold it over specific chakras to help clear blockages and balance your energy centers. The vibrational frequencies of the Light Language can assist in the healing process.
Use the mandala in visualization exercises by imagining yourself surrounded by its healing light and symbols. Visualize the mandala’s energy enveloping you, protecting you, and raising your vibration.
Sacred Space:
Place the Soul Mandala in a sacred space or altar, where it can continuously emit its frequencies, creating a positive, healing atmosphere. It can help maintain the energetic balance in your environment, making it ideal for meditation, yoga, or creative workspaces.
By getting a Soul Mandala with Light Language, you invite a powerful tool of transformation into your life, one that resonates with your soul’s energy and supports your spiritual journey. Whether for healing, insight, or higher consciousness, this personalized mandala is a unique reflection of your inner self, guiding you towards greater harmony and alignment.
Note: A square 5"x5" digital copy will be sent to you, you can request for a physical copy and arrange to collect it at my studio at Sultan Plaza for no extra charges.